Farm Market Report for December 20, 2016 Keith Helmuth
Sometimes a year is given a special name in order to give a good cause an extended period of promotion; for example “the year of the child,” or “the year of forest conservation.”
When the vendors of the Woodstock Farm and Craft Market look back at 2016, they can surely call it “the year of buying local.” This past year has seen an increase in trade at the Market like no other. So with the year drawing to a close, it’s time to say big “thank you” from all the vendors at the Market to all the customers who have made 2016 a banner year. We hope that other merchants in the town of Woodstock have also had a good year.
Heat Pumps for the Market
The Market is making one more big improvement before the end of the year; two high-capacity, mini-split heat pumps are being installed. When the Market was built in the early 1990s it was equipped with electric baseboard heaters. For a quarter of century these units have pulled in a lot of electricity to keep the Market building warm. Some years ago extra insulation was added to the space above the ceiling and that help reduced amount of electricity needed and the cost of heating the Market. And now, with the addition of heat pumps, we will be able to reduce electricity use and cost of running the Market still further.
Books, New and Used at the Market
If you are thinking about gifts for people who enjoy reading, check out the Local Author Book Corner. Dr. Mildred Drost’s animal books are there. George Frederick Clarke’s books on fishing, wilderness adventure, and local archaeology are also there as well as other books by local authors.
Or if you are looking to stock up on some low cost reading for the Holidays, the Market has used books that may fill the bill. The used books have been moved to a new location by the side door. Another box of donations just came in, including a whole bunch of Danielle Steele titles in hardback editions. If you have books to donate, the Market is happy to receive them.
Baking at the Market
If baked goods are on your list for the Holiday period, Market bakers produce a range of items such as, cinnamon buns, breads and rolls, cookies, cakeballs, cupcakes, pies, bars, and muffins.
Holiday Market Hours
Saturday, December 24th – Christmas Eve Day, Market will be open until 4 PM.
Monday, December 26th – Boxing Day, Market will be closed.
Saturday, December 31st – New Year’s Eve Day; Market will be open until 4 PM.
Monday, January 2nd – Market re-opens with normal hours going forward