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Woodstock Farm Market Increases Open Hours

The Woodstock Farm and Craft Market will be changing its opening time to 9 AM starting Monday September 25th. The Market had previously opened at 10 AM Monday through Thursday and on Saturday, and at 8 AM on Friday.

Some customers have indicated they would appreciate an earlier opening. The Board checked with the vendors who serve as volunteer clerks at the Market and they all agreed to the new time for opening. This spirit of cooperation is one the keys to the Farm Market’s history and it’s continued operation. The Market will continue to open at 8 AM on Friday.

The volunteers who currently serve as Market clerks are Laurie McLellan, Ramona Paul, Jane Farrell, Gladine Berry, Dina Ealey, Jenifer Morgan, Donna Michaud, Barbara Monteith, and Patti Riley.

The volunteers who run the Market and the loyal customers who make the Market a regular shopping destination are the two factors that have made the Woodstock Farm and Craft Market such a success and ensured its continued growth. Year over year, the growth of trade at the Market has been in the double digits. Mayor Art Slipp recently referred to the Market as an “anchor institution” for downtown Woodstock.

Improvements at the Market

Over the summer the Market has completed significant improvements. Concrete steps have been installed at the King Street side of the lower parking area and the gravel area in front of the Market veranda has been covered with a concrete walkway. Concrete steps leading to the lawn area have also been installed at the river side of the veranda. This work has been completed with the assistance of a grant from the Downtown Business Improvement Association.

Market Vendor Wins Award

Pam Burpee has been serving up her cake balls in the Woodstock Farm Market. She recently entered her delicious product in the 17th Annual Feast in the Field held by Ability New Brunswick in Officer’s Square in Fredericton. Gourmet chefs from around the city enter their products in this event for judging. This year the judges picked Pam’s cake balls as the winner in the desert class. Congratulations Pam. We’re proud to have your prize winning cake balls in the Woodstock Farm and Craft Market.

Farm Market Report for September 22, 2017

Keith Helmuth