New Vendors Welcome
The Woodstock Farm and Craft Market will be hosting an extended Summer Saturday Market on the last weekend of each month starting on May 28th.
With the cooperation of the Town of Woodstock, a section of the parking lot in front of the Market will be turned into a space for local food and craft producers to set up and sell their goods. The Summer Saturday Market will open at 8 AM and run until 2 PM. Breakfast will be available at the Market Café.
According to Laurie McLellan, president of the Farm Market Board, potential vendors continue to seek space at the Market but all inside stalls have been rented for some time. The extended Summer Saturday Market will give additional local producers a chance to display and sell their products.
Applications for the Summer Saturday Market are available at the Market, 220 King Street in Woodstock. The Market is open six days a week. Applications can also be down loaded from and brought to the Market.
For further information, contact either Pam Burpee at 328-3706, or Laurie McLellan at 328-2029,
When the Farm Market was established in the early 1970s, Friday was chosen as the Market day because it was the busiest shopping day of the week in Woodstock. Friday is still the primary Market Day even though the Market is now open six days a week.
But shopping habits in Woodstock have changed according to Pam Burpee, the Market’s promotion coordinator. The town is busier on weekends than it used to be and Saturday shopping at the Farm Market has become noticeably stronger in the last few years.
This change sparked the idea of an extended Saturday Summer Market. Other downtown stores have indicated an interest in setting up special sidewalk sales to coordinate with the Summer Saturday Market.
More organized outdoor activities are taking place on weekends and using the Farm Market as a staging area. For example, the River Valley Runners are holding a Fun Run event starting at the Market on Saturday, May 21st. The Market will be open at 8 AM and breakfast will be available.
The extended Summer Saturday Market will be held on May 28, June 25, July 30, August 27, and September 24. Vendor applications for the Market on the May 28th should be turned in by May 21st.