New Bakers at the Farm Market
The fall season has been ideal for harvesting up and down the St. John River Valley; no killing frost yet and, up until last week, dry and pleasant weather for bringing in the crops.
Now, with that monstrous rainfall in the middle of last week, it may be a question if some low lying cropland will dry out enough for harvesting. If we get more heavy rain before freeze up there could be some crop loss.
But, in general, the season has been bountiful and the evidence is on full display at the Woodstock Farm and Craft Market each Friday.
Two new bakers have recently been bringing their products to the Market.
Jennifer Battcock-Coish is an experienced baker who recently moved to Woodstock from Manitoba. She will be bringing a variety of products to the Market on Fridays including croissants (plain and chocolate), breads, buns, cookies, and cheesecake. As business builds up she expects to have breads and buns available through the week.
She will soon have a facebook page with information about what will be available each week. Selection will vary throughout the week.
Jennifer has taken over the inside stall in the middle of the south wall which was previously occupied by Val Flewelling with her cinnamon buns. Val is now concentrating her efforts, along with family helpers, on the booming barbeque business on Fridays.
Taking over Val’s stall where people were used to finding baked goods should be a good move for Jennifer. Stop by on Friday and get acquainted. She is interested in learning about what kind of baked goods customers would like to see in the Market.
The other new baker, Nora Carter, is a cinnamon bun specialist. She picks up where Val Flewelling left off. She is set up on Fridays under the canopy by the front door. She has a major display unit with several varieties of cinnamon buns by the piece or by the box.
Nora, too, is an experienced baker. She attended the Florenceville-Bristol Farm Market until it closed for the season. Her daughter makes cookies to sell alongside her Mom. Once again, it’s great to see these family enterprises setting up in the Market. Who knows what kind of on-going self-employment may grow out of a start in the Farm Market.
In addition to Fridays, the Woodstock Farm and Craft Market is open every day 10-4 except Sunday.